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Highlights from Buhari's #PresidentialMediaChat

President Buhari has opened up on the true situation with the Chibok girls,the Shi'ite killings,Corruption

..When asked during his first presidential media chat as to why his promise of releasing the girls has not been kept.He said ,the government tried to negotiate with people claiming to be Boko Haram leaders,but they had no credible information to give the government .

 I'm working with our neighbors to #BringBackOurGirls. Although we have no credible info on their locations.We are keeping our options open. We are prepared to negotiate with B'Haram for the girls""
He also assured that, if any leader of Boko Haram can prove where the Chibok girls are,the government would negotiate with them without conditions..He also said the government at the moment has no credible information on the whereabouts and condition of the girls..
On Corruption he said
 We can not name those who return stolen funds as we have to take documents to court.There are terrible cases of corruption, we can only appeal to Nigerians to be patient.We have to develop the patience to prosecute corrupt officials through the courts.As a military leader it was possible to round people up & jail them for being corrupt, but not in a democracy.By end of the first quarter of 2016, we will give Nigerians update on how far our anti-corruption war has gone."I swore by the Holy Qran to protect and obey the constitution, no one will be above the law
On Shi'te killings
He said he can not make any statement until the official report of inquiry is released.

"The president of Iran spoke to me about the Shiite crisis; and I told him as a govt, we have a system.I am allowing all the investigative bodies to do their job regarding the Shiite crisis.I have to wait for the official reports before I can make a statement.How can any group create a state in another state ? I saw clips of excited teenagers hitting the chests of generals.No justification for Shi'ite killings but to be fair to both sides, I have to wait for the outcome of the inquiry.I expect an inquiry on Shi'ite killings by Kaduna state government because it happened there

On saying his government has technically won the war against Boko Haram

When I say the war has been technically won, I meant their capacity to carry out conventional attack has weakened.. Hijab will have to be banned if Boko Haram bombings continues"
